Campaing Dashboard - Status / Filter Logic

Campaing Dashboard - Status / Filter Logic

The "My Campaigns" tab is where Org Admins, Fundraisers go to view the campaigns associated with the organization. The 3 filters (read: status) availabnle are Pending, Running and Completed.  To better help our users understand what these filters mean, we have provided the logic below for you.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach.

The filter outlined below in red has been updated


Pending Status Logic
if upload by general public is set to NO, then Pending status requires only vote start & end dates OR no approved partcipants 
if upload by general public is set to YES, then Pending status requires vote start & end dates and upload start & end dates.

Running Status Logic
if general public is set to NO, then Running status requires only voting has started but not ended and at least 1 approved participant
if general public is set to YES, then Running status requires upload has started and voting has not ended

Closed Status Logic
If campaign voting has ended, then status is COMPLETED

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