Can anyone upload?

Can anyone upload?

When you set up your OSMOSvote fundraiser you will be asked if you will doing it for the general public or by invitation only.

An example of a general pubic fundraiser would be "Cutest Baby in Chicago".  In the case of a general public fundraisers there is an upload period (We provide the link to the upload page.) and anyone can upload.

By the way, the entries do not go live until you approve them. You can turn off the approval process but we don't recommend it. That way you are assured that the "Cutest Babies in Chicago" fundraiser only has pictures of babies.

If you are doing an invitation only fundraiser, such as for your Board of Directors or for selected supporters of your nonprofit, only those invited or a member of your organization with access to your OSMOSvote dashboard will be able to upload.  In this case you do not have to have the approval process activated.

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